Monday At Home WOD

Forge Fitness – WOD

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Body Weight Workout

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

A. Tempo Pushups: accumulate 20 reps

* 3 sec down, explode up, 1 sec @ the top

B. Cossack Squats: 3 x 3 each leg

C. Every 4 Min for 5 Sets

16 Burpees

8 Air Squats

4 Pushups
– Write down time for each round.

– Score is total working time for Part C.

KB/DB Workout

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

A. Seated Shoulder Press: 4×5

B. Cossack Squats: 3×3 (Goblet Style)

C . Every 4 Min For 5 sets:

16 Burpees

8 Dual KB/DB Hang Squat Cleans*

4 Dual KB/DB Shoulder to Overhead*

* Can use Barbell for these movements if available 135/95#.

Write in the comments what you used for these movements.
– Write down time for each round.

– Score is total working time for Part C.