Saturday At Home WOD

Forge Fitness – WOD

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Body Weight Workout

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

A. Super Set: 3 sets

A1. Overhead Tri Extension x 10 ( any object)

A2. Off Set Pushups x 5 each arm ( 1 hand on elevated object)

B. Super Set : 3 Sets

B1. Tuck Jumps x 4

B2. Bottom Squat Hold x :20 sec

C. EMOM x 12 min

1) 8 Up Downs + Squat Jump

2) 4 Burpee To Object + Overhead

3) 40 Ft Bear Hug Object Carry

• Object ideas- Backpack, milk jug, bag sand/mulch, chair

D. EMOM x 12min

1) 12 Air Squats

2) 8 Object Swings

3) 40 ft Farmers Carry
Score is how many minutes were successfully completed for part B and C.

KB/DB Workout

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

A. Super Set: 3 sets

A1. KB/DB Overhead Tri Extension x 10

A2. Off Set Pushups x 5 each arm ( 1 hand on elevated object)

B. Super Set : 3 Sets

B1. Tuck Jumps x 4

B2. Bottom Squat Hold x :20 sec

C. EMOM x 12 min

1) 8 Up Downs + Squat Jump

2) 4 Single Arm Devil Press each arm

3) 40 Ft Bear Hug Object Carry

• Object ideas- Backpack, milk jug, bag sand/mulch, chair

D. EMOM x 12min

1) 12 Goblet Squats

2) 12 KB/DB Swings

3) 40 ft Farmers Carry
Score is how many minutes were successfully completed for part B and C.

Limited Equipment Workout

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

A. Super Set: 3 sets

A1. KB/DB Overhead Tri Extension x 10

A2. Off Set Pushups x 5 each arm ( 1 hand on elevated object)

B. Super Set : 3 Sets

B1. Tuck Jumps x 4

B2. Bottom Squat Hold x :20 sec

C. EMOM x 12 min

1) 12 Wall Balls

2) 4 Devils Press

3) 40 Ft Bear Hug Sandbag Carry

D. EMOM x 12min

1) 12 Box Jumps

2) 12 Dual KB Hang Snatch

3) 40 ft Farmers Carry
Score is how many minutes were successfully completed for part B and C.