Thursday At Home WOD

Forge Fitness – WOD

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Body Weight Workout

Metcon (Weight)

A. Super Set: 4 sets:

A1. Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat x 4 each

A2. Lateral Plank Hold x :20 sec each

B. Super Set: 4 Sets:

B1. Single Arm Lateral Raise x 5 each * use any object

B2. Bear Crawl x 50ft

C. Super Set: 4 Sets:

C1. Tempo Good Mornings x 5 (3 sec bend, 2 sec hold)

C2. Hollow Body Hold x 20 sec

D. Super Set: 4 Sets:

D1. ODD Object Complex: 3 Deadlifts + 3 Squats + 30ft Carry

D2. Over the Object Jumps x 6
Score is for Part D. Put object used for part D in the comments.

KB/DB Workout

Metcon (Weight)

A. Super Set: 4 sets:

A1. KB/DB Leg Elevated Split Squat x 4 each

A2. Lateral Plank Hold x :20 sec each

B. Super Set: 4 Sets:

B1. KB/DB Upright Row x 6

B2. Bear Crawl x 50ft

C. Super Set: 4 Sets:

C1. Wtd Tempo Good Mornings x 5 ( 3 sec bend, 2 sec hold)

C2. Hollow Body Hold x 20 sec

• Hold Kb/Db with both hands, elbows up and let it rest behind neck on good mornings

D. Super Set: 4 Sets:

D1. ODD Object Complex: 3 Deadlifts + 3 Squats + 30ft Carry

D2. Over the Object Jumps x 6
Score is for Part D. Put object used for part D in the comments.

Limited Equipment Workout

Metcon (Weight)

A. Super Set: 4 sets:

A1. Back Rack Leg Elevated Split Squat x 4 each

A2. Lateral Plank Hold x :20 sec each

B. Super Set: 4 Sets:

B1. Barbell Upright Row x 6

B2. Bear Crawl x 50ft

C. Super Set: 4 Sets:

C1. Barbell Tempo Good Mornings x 5 (3 sec bend, 2 sec hold)

C2. Hollow Body Hold x 20 sec

D. Super Set: 4 Sets:

D1. Sang Bag Over the Shoulder x 6

D2. Burpee Box jump Overs x 6

E. Bear Complex : Build to heavy

1 Power Clean

1 Front Squat

1 Push Press

1 Back Squat

1 BTN Push Press

Score is weight for part E.