Wednesday WOD

Wednesday WOD

Metcon (No Measure)
HSPU Positioning Drills:
2 Rounds
1. :10-:20 sec Tripod Headstand Hold
2. 3 HSPU Negative: 3 sec down + 1 @ the bottom, kick off
3. 4 Floor Pike HSPU – focus on head driving through

10 min
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
8 Min AMRAP:
60/52 Calories Assault Bike
+ Max DB Box Step Ups, 24/20″, Rx 35/25#, (Rx+ 50/35#)

Rest 2 min

8 Min AMRAP:
60/52 Calorie Row
+ Max Rope Climbs

Score is combined reps of step-ups and rope climbs