

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Teams of Three!
7 Minute AMRAP:
50 Push Press, 95/65#
50 Push Press, 115/85#
AMRAP Push Press, 135/95#
–3 min rest–
7 Minute AMRAP:
50 Front Squats, 95/65#
50 Front Squats, 115/85#
AMRAP Front Squats, 135/95#
–3 min rest–
7 Minute AMRAP:
50 Hang Power Cleans, 95/65#
50 Hang Power Cleans, 115/85#
AMRAP Hang Power Cleans, 135/95#

Record reps as a sum of all 3 AMRAPs.

Start off at a lighter weight if needed – it should be a weight that you can build on 3 times for all three movements.